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Market Research Report on Rhinitis Drugs Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd Published: Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF Price: US$2,400 Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68012929-2008 E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com Table of contents 1 Categories of rhinitis according to Chinese(or Western) medical theory and epidemiology 1.1 Categories of rhinitis 1.2 Epidemiology of allergic rhinitis 1.3 Epidemiology of nasosinusitis 2 Categories of rhinitis drugs and action mechanisms 2.1 Corticosteroid agents 2.2 Antihistamine agents 2.3 Anti-leukotriene agents 2.4 Anti-allergic agents 2.5 Anticholine agents 2.6 decongestant agents 2.7 Drugs for nasosinusitis 3 Rhinitis drugs of Chinese medicine 3.1 For allergic rhinitis 3.2 For acute rhinitis or chronic rhinitis 3.3 For nasosinusitis 3.4 For atrophic rhinitis or rhinitis sicca 3.5 For nasal vestibulitis 4 Market analysis of Rhinitis drugs 4.1 Market scale 4.1.1 Theoretical market scale 4.1.2 True market scale adn sales channels 4.2 Analysis of hospital market 4.2.1 Oxymetazoline 4.2.2 Levocabastine 4.2.3 QianBo rhinitis tablet (Prepared Chinese Medicine) 4.2.4 BiShuShi tablet (Prepared Chinese Medicine) 4.2.5 BiYanKang (Prepared Chinese Medicine) 4.3 Market characteristic of retail market 4.3.1 Chinese prepared medicine took major market share 4.3.2 Chemical drugs improve symptom,Chinese prepared medicine target the pathogeny 4.3.3 Import dugs took major share of chemical drug 4.3.4 No big brand in market Chinese prepared medicine 4.4 Market potential