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Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd Published: Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF Price: US$1,800 Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68052505 E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com Catalog 1 The profile of the Natamycin 1.1 The molecule structure and character of the Natamycin 1.2 The application field of the Natamycin 1.3 Analysis of the security of the Natamycin 2 The preparation of the Natamycin 2.1 The species of microorganism 2.2 The fermentation technology to the Natamycin 2.3 The process of extraction and separation 2.4 The analysis methods 3 An overview of the food-antiseptics market 3.1 An overview about the overseas market 3.2 An overview about the domestic market 3.3 The bio-antiseptics 4 Manufacturers of the Natamycin (Bulk drug) in China 4.1 The output,price and their prospects from 2003 to 2007 4.2 The enterprises and their output in China 4.3 The introduce of the Key enterprises in China 4.4 The problem and the advice about the manufacture 5 The application and its prospects in the domestic market 5.1 The application in the domestic market 5.2 The prospects and difficulties in the food-antiseptics market 6 Manufacturers of the Natamycin (Bulk drug) abroad 6.1 Danish Danisco Company 6.2 Netherlandish DSM Company 6.3 American Cyanamid Pharmachem Company 6.4 Spainish Vgp Pharmachem Company 6.5 An overview of the global Natamycin market 7 Export status of the Natamycin from January to September in 2006 7.1 The total export amount from January to September in 2006 7.2 The share of the export agencies 7.3 The share of the destination countries(regions) 7.4 Structure of key export agencies 7.5 Monthly export changes of key enterprises 7.6 The current export status and its prospects