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Vasobral (Compound α-Dihydroergocryptine Mesilate and Caffeine) Market report
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Published: June 2007
Format: Adobe PDF
Price: US$ 1,500
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68052505
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com
Tale of contents
1 market overview of Vasobral (Compound α-Dihydroergocryptine Mesilate and Caffeine)
2 Region distribution of Vasobral
Appendix: The price of Vasobral
Tables or figures
1 Estimated sales values of Vasobral in whole nation from 2002 to 2006
2 Sales values of Vasobral in sample hospitals from 2002 to 2006
3 Sales shares of Vasobral with different formulations from 2002 to 2006
4 Estimated sales values of solution formulation in whole nation from 2002 to 2006
5 Sales values of solution formulation in sample hospitals from 2002 to 2006
6 Sales value of Vasobral in different cities in 2002
7 Sales amount of Vasobral in different cities in 2002
8 Sales value of Vasobral in different cities in 2003
9 Sales amount of Vasobral in different cities in 2003
10 Sales value of Vasobral in different cities in 2004
11 Sales amount of Vasobral in different cities in 2004
12 Sales value of Vasobral in different cities in 2005
13 Sales amount of Vasobral in different cities in 2005
14 Sales value of Vasobral in different cities in 2006
15 Sales amount of Vasobral in different cities in 2006
16 Reatil prices of Vasobral in some regions